Our first wound
My Dad and Donna were at the hospital on Thursday to visit the boys and brought them some stuffed animals. We got 2 sheep, 2 orangutangs (sp?) and 2 dogs. The orangutangs, because Dad's thinks that's what they will be. So Glenn decided the dogs were great for their incubators. The nurse told us that they have to be washed. So I washed them very nicely Friday morning.
Since I can't drive and Leslie had yet to see the boys, she came to pick me up. As I was getting ready I could hear Georgie playing with something. I can always tell when she has a new toy.....well we hadn't given her one!!!
I ran out of the bathroom to find her chewing on one of the dogs!!!!! I don't think I had ever yelled "BAD DOG" that loud before. Then I cried....ok I know, nobody was hurt, but this dog was for one of the kids from his Grandpa and the first. Over the top? Ok, will you except hormonal new mother?
She had gotten the dogs nose off, but I caught her before she could do more damage. Glenn got the nose back on, and now I have to rewash him. Cross your fingers that he doesn't fall apart on the second wash.
Can you tell which one it is?
So which one gets the damaged dog? Dad can make that decision!
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