Setting the alarm
I'm pretty much a creature of habit and do not accept change well. Yesterday I showed up at the hospital for Gavin and Riley's noon feed. I arrived at 11:40 and the nurse that was on (never had her before) had already changed Gavin and taken his temp, all that was left to do was feed him.
It seems she bottle fed both of my babies at the 9am feed. This may not seem like too big of a deal, but if they are bottle fed at 9am, they are NOT bottle fed at noon as it takes way too much out of them. She then proceeds to tell me that Gavin only took 10 cc's of a bottle which had 38 cc's in it, but on the good side Riley took his whole bottle. Um, yeah lady, GREAT.
When I leave the hospital, whether it is in the morning or at night, I always inform the nurse what time I will be back. Everytime I go, I get to feed my boys, only exception is bath day. Since yesterday was her first day, she doesn't know my boys, but she will know my schedule as it doesn't really change and is noted in their charts. Noon and 9pm feeds, EVERYDAY!!!
Gavin is slow to start his bottle, then half way through, he has a BIG burp, then just guzzles the rest of his bottle. Most nurses watch Gavin and suggest that he is tired, both Glenn and I politely ignore them and he finishes. When we showed up last night, not surprising, Gavin didn't finish his 3pm feed either. He finished for Glenn though, and usually does for us.
Riley on the other hand, seems to just love the bottle and can't get enough. He finishes almost every time. No problem there!
I usually stay for an hour and a half to two hours during the day. I feed them, then just hold them. Sometimes I chat with the nurses, but yesterday I didn't. I was mad. It's not the same when you hold your baby and feed him through a freakin' tube!!! Gavin was wide awake when I got there and I'm pretty sure he would have taken a bottle, but she really didn't seem open to discussion.
Yippee, today I get her again!!! I get to bath one of the boys and she will bath the other one. When I asked her if we could do it at night so that Glenn could learn with me, well..that didn't go over well. Honestly, in my head I was thinking, sorry for wanting to include Glenn. I think she is bathing one at 9am and I'm bathing the other at noon, hard to say as the discussion was short.
We discussed this issue with the nurse we had last night and she suggested that I change my morning schedule. The boys are on a 3 hour feed schedule and bottling happens at 9am, 3pm, 9pm and 3am. If I were to keep the noon feed schedule, then it would screw up the 9pm feed and Glenn wouldn't get to feed them.
I don't have a problem with getting up for 9am, it's the traffic battle I have a problem with. It's an hour to get to the hospital in rush hour vs. 20 minutes, which would you pick? Sadly my husband had a good point last night (I HATE when that happens), this will only be for another week or two. Also, the nurse said that once they are on bottles for every feed, it won't matter what time I come in. Ok, true.
So today I will stick with noon as that's what we discussed, but tomorrow I will set my alarm and then battle "rush" hour, the end destination/reward is my very cute boys
Have a great day.....I think I see the sun!!!
Nurses can be hags they think that because you are not there all the time you don't know your boys. They are full of SHIT!!!!!! I had one of those hag nurses having B. Consider the source and do the best you can.
Love you all.
On the otherhand... the nurses have been amazing, all of 'em. They are so kind, helpful, caring and knowledgeable. They helped us so much when things seemed crazy and scary. We are lucky to have the care we have, we are lucky to have our medical system, we are lucky to be in the best hospital in our area and close to home and we are lucky to have healthy kids!!!
I have had a lot of experience with hospitals and children (another whole story I don't have time to tell) - my advice - you must take charge and make your wishes clear. Discuss everything with any doctor who is taking the rotation today and make sure that he/she is following a consistent - agreed to plan. Once they become aware of the fact that you are both knowlegible and are taking responsibility for the well being of your babies they generally fall in line.
But cut them a little slack too - most parents defer to the medicos and while that is not necessarily a bad thing - when there are special needs it might not be good either.
It is a delicate balancing act - stay firm and in charge.
I wasn't talking about all nurses. 99.9% of all the nurses we have had, and we have had alot over the years. Have been wonderful. But there are a few who let the "power" go to their heads. For example the one who decided to continually slap me in the face during labour with my daughter. There is always that one.
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