Gavin and Riley

We arrived on November 3, 2006 at 9:55am and 9:56am, we were 6 weeks early

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Little G's new boots

Wow, I can't believe it's been five days!!! Actually I can. It's been a little hectic around here. If one wasn't crying the other one was! I'm also trying to get my thank you cards done!

Gavin got his new boots on Friday.

They are called Reverse Last shoes. Basically he wears the wrong shoe on each foot. He doesn't really seem to mind them. We were told he has to wear them 23 hours a day. We have gradually worked up to that. She also said they will probably last three months and he won't need anymore. Most times she doesn't see infants and toddlers wear more than one pair.

So he now spends his days in diaper shirts with blankets wrapped around him as the shoes will not go over the feet of his sleepers.

Riley...what can I say.....he is up to 6oz at every meal and sleeps for nice long streches. He hates his carseat though. Car rides are FUN!!!

Have a great day....wish me luck as we are going for a car ride!

Thursday, February 22, 2007


I found this blog awhile back, written by a man who was expecting twins with his wife. Those twins were born this week at 38 weeks. Turns out that the boy twin was not doing well during the pregnancy and it went undetected. He is now in NICU and it looks like on CPAP. It brings back memories.

It's hard to believe they went from this....
Riley on CPAP

Gavin under the lights for jaundice
to this....

Tomorrow they are 16 weeks old and next Saturday, 4 months!!!!

My heart goes out to the couple who just had their twins, especially when you get to where they were and find out one is not well. It's very unfortunate it wasn't caught sooner, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that everything works out for them!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Healthy and growing!

Yesterday was our doctor's appointment. Officially Gavin is just a fussy baby. He is growing well and the doc has labelled it "colic". Why can't they just say fussy, cranky, crotchety? Relief that's it's not something more serious. So it's earplugs for us (kidding) and gripe water for him!!

Gavin weighed in at 11lbs 2ounces and Riley weighed in at 12lbs 11ounces!!!

Gavin's big issue is his feet. We were told when they were discharged in November, to gently apply pressure to his feet as they were pointing inward. It seems that didn't work. Now he needs orthopaedic booties to help reposition his feet.

If you look at his feet here you will see how they point inward.

So I stopped on my way home (one of our client's sells orthopaedic shoes) and left my name and number (the lady who does the measuring was off sick) for them to contact me for an appointment. This should be an interesting road!

We go back to the doctor in a month for their shots and to check up on Gavin's feet.

Currently the boys are having a nap together.....I think I might follow their lead!

Monday, February 19, 2007

Three and a half months!

Jan 17, 2007

Feb 18, 2007

Jan 17, 2007

Feb 17, 2007

The change from Jan to Feb isn't as big as the change from Dec to Jan, but there is still a length change that's for sure!

Tomorrow we are off to the doctor to go over Gavin's eating and now sleeping issues. Riley will get a once over as well.

Hopefully they will co-operate and I will post weights tomorrow!

Saturday, February 17, 2007


So I finally got my hair done. It wasn't until Glenn got home that I was able to do it. doesn't look any different!! The grey hairs Glenn gave/gives me are gone, but the color isn't any darker. :(

I was hoping it would look different in daylight, but it doesn't.

I decided to further punish myself whilst putting away the laundry this morning. Last week when I weighed myself I was a pound and a half away from pre-pregnancy weight. Not bad? Well when Leslie and I attended AquaFit a few weeks ago I had parts jiggling that never jiggled before. I'm also wider in places that were skinner before.

So I thought to myself this morning....try on a pair of pre-pregnancy pants and see how far you still have to go.....much to my surprise....I'm there.

I have five pairs of spring/summer pants and they ALL fit!!! I didn't try on any shorts as I didn't want to push my luck.

All I can say is the disappointment from the lack of change in my hair is gone as I don't have to go and replace the whole bottom half of my wardrobe this spring!!!!

Friday, February 16, 2007

Change is coming

Today I'm going to color my hair....myself!!

Normally I would intrust this to my hairdresser Nyree, but when you are on EI, somethings have to take a backseat. I don't have a problem giving her $100 to remove my stray grey hairs and give me a new color, (with her I don't think she has ever colored my hair the same as the time before), but $100 is alot of packages of diapers or a few cases of formula!

I purchased this hair color for $6.99 (it was on sale). My husband told me I have to be more frugal, so this is it. I have not had my hair colored for a year as I read you are not supposed to color your hair while pregnant. I normally get my hair done twice a year in January/February and then again in the fall. The summer sun is kind enough to highlight my hair for me.

Today I'm going to go slightly darker as my own color is quite boring I think.

The only problem in all of this is the fact that my first born son (little G) doesn't want to have a sleep this morning. If he is anything like yesterday, he won't sleep this afternoon either! Riley on the other hand is just like his Mom in everyway. He loves his sleep, can sleep through pretty much anything, has little patience (like I want my bottle NOW) and has a temper!!!

So please cross your fingers that my little munchkin will have a solid sleep for at least an hour so that his washed out Mommy can get this done!

I will keep you posted (haha)!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Loading up

My happy Riley

My very first actual smile with cooing as well!!!

I've been trying to take alot of pictures this week....Auntie Kim is off to Cuba next week and always tells me there isn't enough pictures posted.

Auntie Kim got Cuba as a Xmas gift from John. Does anyone remember where I went for my honeymoon? Las Vegas Motor Speedway. Ok, that was my choice as well and we had a blast!

Kim has been to Mexico numerous times, Thailand, Alaska and now Cuba.

I have been Las Vegas, Sacremento, Medford (Oregon), Woodburn (Oregon), Seattle, Edmonton, Calgary, Prince George all in a motorhome pulling a trailer behind us. I made a suggestion that we go on a holiday last summer...."Ok, where do you want to go in the motorhome?" Um NOT.......

Four years ago in March we did go to New York for a few days, which was really cool. About 5 years ago, Glenn went to Europe with his friend Dean. I think it was 8 or 9 years ago that I went to Mexico. Now we have 2 babies and I think Shuswap Lake and Kelowna will be our destination of choice with the boys (outside of drag racing of course).

Do I sound jealous??? Maybe a little, but in reality I'm more of a homebody than my sister. She's the outgoing one and me, I'm more reserved. Our choices have been different as well. Glenn and I purchased our 5 acres four years ago and we enjoy the time we spend here. She lives in the polluted city :)

Yeah I would love to go to a hot destination and lay on the beach, and one day we will, but for now we will enjoy our wide open space and be happy for what we have.

PS.....I took the pictures Auntie Kim!!

Monday, February 12, 2007

Saturday's photo shoot!

Gavin and Riley having a conversation


Gavin (who Glenn says looks very much like his Dad here)

Riley and Gavin hanging out in new clothes

Friday, February 09, 2007


My lovely husband hates when I post about him, but I just have to reiterate how wonderful he is.

On Wed, I had a very debilitating headache. He left for work in the morning and before leaving got me a Extra Strength Tylenol. The boys and I slept on the couch until about 11:30. I got up and fed them and tried to keep the calm. Everytime I moved I thought my head was going to explode!!! I managed to get them comfortable and then had another sleep. This time when I woke up around 1:30, there was nausea associated with this headache, as well as the chills. I waited it out as long as I could, but phoned Glenn at 2:30 and said I couldn't do this anymore. I couldn't get comfortable on the couch or in a chair and was walking around with a bowl, as I thought I was going to get sick.

He arrived home at around 3:30 I think. I immediately went to bed. I slept until almost 7!! When I got up, I felt immensely better. I missed Aqua Fit with Leslie, but there is NO WAY I could have gotten my sorry butt there.

Some people will think that's what he should have done, but I know of husband's out there that don't do close to what Glenn does for me and the boys. Although, he did mention last night that he hasn't had to change a poopy diaper in awhile. I think the boys save them for me!!!

So thank you very much honey, you know what things you do to make my life easier, I wouldn't trade you for the world!!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007


Riley is 12.5 lbs

Gavin is 11.5 lbs

I say unofficially because I weighed myself on our scale with and without the boys. Just took the difference and figured that's pretty close!

Riley is slowly liking his seat and will sit in it for awhile. He actually notices now when his hand hits one of the toys and will look at it. Gavin is big on his swing. He has toys above him that move and will watch them for awhile.

On Saturday they were three months old, but their corrected age is only 7 weeks. I do take that into account when I hear about a child did this or that at 3 months. They will grow and develop at their own pace, even from each other.

It's hard to believe they were less than 4 pounds when they were born, Gavin has gained 8 pounds in 3 months and Riley has gained 9!!!! Riley moved to size 2 diapers yesterday and I'm hoping Gavin will be able to use up the rest of the size 1 diapers we received before he moves up!

It's already February 6th and I'm unsure where the time has gone. Before we know it, Spring will be here along with race season. I'm looking forward to that. We won't be doing our normal all out schedule, but we do plan on attending some races. I look forward to seeing everybody and showing off the boys!

Hope everybody has a great Tuesday...

Monday, February 05, 2007

Good day (I mean goodbye) Sunshine

Last week was beautiful and sunny all week.

Georgie spent most of the days enjoying the sun

Berley spent most of the days enjoying Georgie enjoying the sun.

These two have lived together for almost 4 years and they have a love/hate relationship. It took Berley along time realize Georgie wasn't leaving. Berley runs and Georgie chases. Not to say Berley doesn't start it sometimes, but for the most part she just minds her own business.

That's today's post. This maybe Gavin and Riley's blog, but my other kids deserve some airtime as well!

Saturday, February 03, 2007

6 hours!!!

That's how long it took to clean my house.

I started with putting away clean clothes for all four of us. Then I moved to the bathroom, which included washing down the walls. Next was the kitchen!!! The kitchen took me three hours, but it was a full on clean. Clear the counters and wash them down, scrub certain parts of the floor by hand, clean other small areas with a toothbrush and the stove got a good scrub too.

Both floors of my house are vacuumed and other areas swept and washed as well.

Glenn got our mirror and cabinet installed in the bathroom (our bathroom reno is now complete - it only took a year and a half!!!). He also got the shelves installed in the boys rooms as well.

I still have some small stuff sitting on my dining room table, but for the most part, everything we received for the boys has a home.

I usually do two really good cleaning binges a year and I missed the one in the fall due to being pregnant and being on partial bedrest.

Some people suggested I just put my feet up and read a good book, but I still would have had to clean this place. In the end I feel good, and feel like I really used the time I had to accomplish what needed to get done.

I do miss my babies, but there is NO WAY I would have gotten any of this done if they were here.

Now it's time for me to scrub myself up to a shine as my hubby and I are going to head out for dinner.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Brotherly love

I took a bunch of pictures last night and the photo session was aborted when Riley slid into his brother. Gavin took exception to Riley's larger head hitting his smaller head. Oh well, I have a funny feeling that's minor of what's to come, if they are anything like my sister and I were growing up. We are now great friends mind you.

I hope everybody has a great weekend.

(Kim is that enough pictures this week?)

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Daddy daycare

Last night I attended my first Aqua Fit class with Leslie and Kristen. As soon as my body hit the water I was in heaven. I'm a person that just LOVES the water and will spend as much time in it as possible.

I even convinced Glenn to purchase a pool for our backyard this summer.

(That's Georgie baking in the sun!)

We spent an hour splashing around in the water and today my legs hurt, but it felt great. When I got home at 8:30 Glenn informed me they cried the whole time I was gone. Part of me was laughing as Sunday they were great for him, but last night...not so much. Part of me was cringing as I really enjoyed myself last night and would like to go again next week and maybe even add another day as well.

Glenn did well though....there were toys everywhere as he tried to keep them entertained, but he went to bed shortly after I got home.

On the same topic of swimming and how much I love it, I'm hoping to pass that on to Gavin and Riley. I had swimming lessons throughout elementary school and was even involved in the The Hyack Swim Club for awhile. My Dad, my sister, Donna and I went to Mexico a few years ago and I pretty much spent the whole week in the water.

So I inquiried as to when Glenn and I could take the boys to "Waterbabies". They have to be at least 4 months. That's one more month people!!! They are enjoying their baths more and more, so I'm hoping the pool experience will be enjoyable as well. They charge $24/baby for 5 lessons and they teach us how to hold them and orientate the babies to the water. Glenn and I are very excited and hope this is something they will enjoy.

My mom doesn't know how to swim (dog paddle doesn't count) and it's important to me that these guys can swim. Especially since Mom and Barry are relocating to Shuswap Lake after my Mom retires at the end of the year.

Everybody please keep your fingers crossed that Glenn "let's" me go next week. Sometimes I let him think he's in charge :)

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