Gavin and Riley

We arrived on November 3, 2006 at 9:55am and 9:56am, we were 6 weeks early

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

And then....

he does this!

Alma put Riley down for a nap yesterday and had just come upstairs when she heard something on his monitor.

She went to check that everything was ok and found him trying to stand in his crib! She quietly closed his door and came and got me, so I snapped a few pics.

Needless to say, when Glenn got home, we dropped his mattress so that he doesn't fall out. At bedtime he was quite interested in the new perspective, so it took awhile for him to fall asleep, but I know he won't be falling out for a little while longer!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Subtle reminder

As we cruise through month 8 of parenthood (they are nine months in 12 days), we tend to forget certain things....

This month Gavin began rolling over more, jumping in his jolly jumper for hours (almost literally), eating baby biscuits and cheerios.

This month Riley began creeping, pulling himself up on things and eating cheerios as well.

We have had an issue with Gavin and eating pretty much since the day he was born, we try them both on the same thing, but that doesn't always work. In my wisdom I decided to move Riley up to the jarred baby food for 8 months and up (Vegetable Pork and Apple Blend). I did try to give Gavin a little, but he made faces, cried and gagged a little, so I aborted that.

Riley was a little unsure of the food at first as it actually tastes like real food (Glenn tries everything). This new food also has chunks in it. I could see Riley testing this new texture out and making a few faces.

In the middle of feeding him, Gavin was taking exception to the fact that his brother was being fed and he wasn' I asked Glenn to take over feeding Riley while I made Gavin boring chicken and mixed veggies (which ultimately he DIDN'T eat).

I was almost finished making Gavin his dinner when Glenn informed me, "Oh gross Riley just puked!!". Seems this wasn't just your regular spit up, it was projectile!!! Just before he gave his dinner back to his Dad, Glenn said he was gagging. Reminder gagging, not choking.....he was just getting ready.

Now the subtle reminder is, that although they will be nine months in 12 short days, in reality (corrected age), they will only be 7 months on Thursday. Sometimes it's hard to remember that when we see them do all these things.

Tonight I pureed the crap out of it and attempted to feed it to both of them. Gavin gave us the infamous gag reflex when given the food (with NO chunks), but he gives that reaction with anything he doesn't like. Riley made faces and pretty much refused it (which he NEVER does), I think last night came back to him.

So back to boring old 6 month food with little taste and sometimes gross smell, but hey if they eat it without a fuss and MESS, I'll take it.

Friday, July 20, 2007

I've seen this a few times

Online Dating

So I decided to rate my blog....because I said "pooped" 1 time, I am rated G....I'm shocked actually. I figured I would have said it more than once since I change poopy diapers everyday, sometimes all day long...Tuesday there were SEVEN!!!!!

What do you guys think? Correct rating? I'm not thinking so!!!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The good, the bad and the ugly

We will start with the bad and end with the good, the ugly well, it's just a part of it!

It was just a week and a half ago that my Mom had to put down her second dog. My Mom adopted Jake when he was a year old after he had been through a few different houses, it took him awhile to settle in, but 9 years later he had a good life. We will all miss him dearly!

Last week a dear friend of the family had surgery for breast cancer and it is only the beginning of her journey, but we are all optimistic and a shoulder for her (along with her adoring husband).

Also last week we found out some MORE bad news that we are still trying to wrap our heads around. I wasn't going to post about it, but I think it's part of my life and the boys life that will shape who we are in the future. The boy's Auntie Kim and my one and only sister has cancer. She has created a blog Kim's Journey. Normally I would just keep this to myself, but she decided to create this blog to document her journey, I have decided to share it as well.

We will know more next week, but for now, I'm optimistic and she WILL be ok!
The Good

Friday was my day off and Super Dave and Scott came over to ride Scott's dirt bike!!

When Glenn came home he decided to unload the scooter from the trailer and have some fun with Scott.....I guess this is what is yet to come with two boys!!

Check out Super Dave's riding attire.

Saturday I accompanied my Mom to Bridal Falls where she got herself a 3 month old maltese. I'm not a small dog kind of person, but he's cute for now....I haven't gotten any pictures of him yet though. Georgie plays well with him and is very gentle. He like the boys toes though!

So I will leave you with some pictures to make you smile. They certainly help to bring spirits up that's for sure!

Friday, July 13, 2007

My fav store

Before the boys were born and I had some extra cash I used to love spending money on clothes (I still do, but just can't!). One of my favorite stores is Old Navy.

The boys have received tons of clothes. Some new and some hand me downs! One of my co-workers has a little boy Nicholas. Nicholas is kind enough to send some of his hand me downs to Gavin and Riley.

This last batch of clothes had some shirts from Old Navy.....

If you can't read it..."Wear alot, Wash often, Pass it on".

I love them even more!

I am smart

Last year when I was pregnant I convinced Glenn that we needed a idea as we used it pretty much every day.

This year, the boys are making use of the pool. Uncle Tom and Aunt Linda gave the boys their first pool toys and they love it. With the heat wave we have been having they have been in the pool pretty much everyday.

Riley loves to be in his "boat" while Gavin would rather you hold him one handed on his stomach so he can kick, kick, kick away!!!!

I am soooo smart!

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

The LOOOOONG weekend

The boys went on their second road trip (1st with their Dad). We left Friday around Noon and headed to Westbank to see my Grama.

The boys almost made it to Merritt for lunch, but they started to fuss just after the toll booth, so we stopped on the side of the road for bum change and a bottle.

We rolled into Westbank and made a stop at my Grama's for about an hour so the boys could be free from their seats and have their dinner.

Glenn and Barry (mom's partner) still had to head to Shuswap Lake, so the pit stop wasn't long and the reason for the stop was to see Grama who is now in palliative care. The boys didn't visit her very long as neither she nor they were up for a longer visit than that.

After all the boys headed out, my Mom and I stuck around for a short visit and then headed back to Grama's for the night. My Dad was also up with a family friend, so the four of us sat around and had a visit.

Saturday morning we headed up to see Grama for a visit and from there my Mom and I headed to Shuswap. The boys used Saturday to recover from so many hours in the car on Friday, but overall they travelled pretty well for 8 months old.

Our weekend was uneventful but the boys weren't pleased to be back in the car for so long on Monday. They took turns crying from Merritt to home (about 2 1/2 hours). Even Georgie felt a little put out.

She is used to having the whole back seat, but now has to take what she can get.

One last picture for you.....having a bath after eating a mashed up banana all by themselves....they were pretty gooey!

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