Gavin and Riley

We arrived on November 3, 2006 at 9:55am and 9:56am, we were 6 weeks early

Friday, September 28, 2007


I have been back at work now for two weeks. Although I only did four days a week, (I'll be back to 5 next week), it felt really good to be there.

I love my boys, but I'm finding with the commute to work I have a little more time for myself. Since I take the commuter train to and from work I have about an hour to myself both ways. It makes it alot easier to deal with the boys when I get home vs. leaving my computer and taking over from Alma.

Not to say that they don't still frustrate me sometimes, because they do, but I find I have a little more patience than I did before. Glenn may disagree on that!

This has been a month of changes and some are good and some are well not bad, but different in an unsettling kind of way.

Since Kim started her treatment at the beginning of the month and then I went back to work we don't talk everyday like we used to. This is very different for me. Part of it is that I don't want to stress her throat, the other is that since she only has a cell phone, if we talked on the phone like we used to, she would be BROKE.

I knew that once she started treatment we wouldn't be speaking as much, but it's hard. It's hard for me to write this and it may be hard for her to read this, but I feel as though I'm missing something.

It's not as though we had anything important to tell each other, it was just yakking and catching up on our day. There would be sometimes only one call a day, and others it could be five. Even though she is still close and not in some foreign land, I'm missing her.

My problem with all of this is small in comparison to what she is going through, but I'm allowed to feel sorry for myself every once in awhile.

I will see her for a short time tomorrow as she is taking first shift in watching the boys so that Glenn and I can participate in my company's golf tournament tomorrow. Glenn's Mom will finish off the day as I don't think Kim could do an 8 hour shift at this point. The boys would just wear her out and right now she needs all the strength to get through this. She has 18 treatments to go and I'm hoping it doesn't get any harder than it already is.

A child has Angella would say...Peace out!!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

What would you do???

If you did not have your kids for 48 hours???

Sleep, relax, spend quality time with your significant other?

Saturday morning I was up at 7am and spent the day cleaning and doing laundry. Glenn and I did go out for dinner (we went out Friday night too).

Today I got up at 7:30, finished putting away the laundry and finishing my first assignment for Financial Accounting 4. I'm raising kids, maintaining a job and trying like mad to finish my CGA designation......doesn't help when you take a year off here and there!!!

Thursday was our 4 year wedding anniversary so Grama T decided Glenn and I should have a anniversary weekend. She has had Riley since Noon on Friday, Kim received Gavin at 1pm on Friday and then passed him to my Mom yesterday afternoon.

I think he had a good time with Auntie Kim though.

Glenn and I managed some time together plus we both got alot done around here. I even managed to get my mop cut and colored before returning to work tomorrow!

It's early afternoon, we don't have to go get the kids for another hour and a half, so I'm going to go flake on the couch until chaos returns!!!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


I will start this with...bad me!

The boys and I along with their Grama T headed out to Harrison Hot Springs on Saturday to spend the afternoon with my sister. While I was driving out there I realized I had forgotten my camera....bad me. My Mom had brought hers and my sister had one as well (with dead batteries). So no pictures today as my Mom can take pictures with her digital but has no idea how to retrieve them, but I will rectify that shortly.

We went for lunch with the boys and then walked around. Did you know that they charge $8 for you to get close to the sandcastle building? We looked through the fence! The boys had their first taste of ice cream and chocolate no less! We also went for a swim in the mineral pool at Kim's hotel. The boys LOVED it.

It was a great afternoon and it was just what Kim needed as she started treatment on Monday. As of 8:30 this morning she only has 30 treatments left!!!

On to the transition, which is big news! I go back to work on Monday. I have been working 4 days a week from home since May 1, but as of Monday I have to make the trek back downtown. While I will miss getting the boys up in the morning and being able to interact with them throughout the day, I'm also looking forward to head back to the land of socialization.

What makes this a little bit easier is that Glenn has retired as of Sept 1. He is no longer the super web host!! It's been awhile in the making, but this has been a week of transition. As of Monday he will be the one who takes over when Alma leaves at 3:30 until I get home at 5:30.

Glenn has a new endeavour that he will be working on from home which has been his ultimate goal for awhile now. So Alma will be staying on and looking after the boys during the day Monday to Thursday. Glenn will be Daddy Daycare on Fridays.

This is all good. I was freaking out as to how I was going to find care for the little dudes that I could afford. I would have to pay someone to look after them for 10 hours a day while I only worked 7.5. We knew back in May that Glenn wanted to sell his company and he has worked feverishly to get that done for this month.

Well, it's done. It will be very strange for him as he and Dean started up that company almost 13 years ago, but it has provided for him and enabled him to do a lot of things over the years. It has now enabled him to retire at 41!!!

Now for the hard job....:)

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

10 months +

The boys were 10 months on Monday...WOW.

It's hard to believe it's now less than 2 months until their first birthday!!

We all went to the doctor last week. Just routine check ups for us...

Gavin is still struggling with his weight according to the doctor, but since May he has gained 2.6 lbs putting him at 16lbs 7oz. Riley gained 2.8 lbs putting him at 18lbs 7oz. I look at it as they both gained about the same and Gavin is just going to be a slim kid.

I think most kids double their weight in the first year...Gavin has quadrupled his weight!!!

They are now beginning to really feed themselves. Gavin prefers to feed himself and will really only co-operate if we are feeding him yogurt.

The boys enjoying some cuddle time Sunday morning...(they only lasted about 5 minutes)

Gavin will now hold his bottle like Riley does and sometimes it makes life SO much easier!

The boys enjoying dinner on Monday night, sitting at the table with us.

The newest news is that my sister has a big heart. She decided to buy us a new washer and dryer!! I'm still a little speechless. It seems if you are a great support system and just love your sister, you get rewarded! I'm told it's my Christmas present for the next 5 years! Our washer and dryer came with the house and probably were probably close to 25 years old. I really wanted a new set, but just couldn't afford we received these

Kim and John dropped them off on Monday and I finally got around to doing some laundry yesterday. When I got to the drying part it seems the dryer doesn't work. Now these machines are High Efficiency models.....I guess the HE part of the dryer is that it doesn't use any electricity :)

Glenn and I figured it out after two loads of washing that it didn't my dining room looks like this....

Kim was pretty upset and I was disappointed, but a service guy is coming sometime this week I hope and we will back in business by the weekend.

Speaking of week is the start of her treatment and this weekend she and John are headed out to Harrison for fishing (John) and spa treatments (Kim). Sandcastle building is happening this week, so if it isn't raining on Saturday the boys and I will head out and check it out. Hopefully it's nice and you will see some pictures next week.

Have a great week!

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