I'm not any better at keeping this up than I was before.
I can only post so many times about eating, sleeping and pooping.
Over the last week and a half, we have gone out for dinner at Donna's (Grama D to the boys), Grampa, Auntie Kim and John were also there. Gavin was a little fussy for everyone except Grampa....hmm, not what I expected.
Then a few days later we headed to Thompson and Sylvia's for my birthday dinner. Again little G was fussy, and again only Grampa was able to settle him.....hence my Dad's new nickname, "The Baby Whisperer". Who knew!

(Excuse the face, he was informing us of how it is done :)
The next morning, the boys got up a little later than usual, as we were out late before. As I was handing Riley over to Alma, I noticed something in his mouth...he had cut his two bottom teeth! When I informed my Dad the next day, "You mean Gavin?", no Dad I mean Riley!!! Gavin has had some rosey cheeks yesterday and today and he is now smacking his lips, so I think his will come in shortly.
Gavin went off to Grama W's Friday night, so Glenn and I went out for Friday night date night. While we were out I decided to buy baby biscuits for Riley. While we were eating dinner, Glenn started feeding him one, half way through, he figured it out and fed himself!! He now gets one biscuit every afternoon. We tried Gavin on it, but the first time he choked and I decided NOT a good idea!
Gavin WILL NOT drink beer....strange I know. He moved from rice cereal to barley cereal and he pretty much stopped eating his cereal. After a few days of this, he and Riley moved up to a wheat and fruit cereal. The kid CANNOT get enough. Hence he is not a barley guy and who knows, maybe he has a little me in him after all.
They are now eating solid foods 3 times a day. Sunday saw them start meat!!
Now what prompted this long overdue post. Tonight after the boys had dinner and were having their jolly jumper time, Gavin was a little fussy. So I took him out of the jumper and decided to remove his diaper and let him roll around as he was made. And NO you do not know what happened next.
I had him on the kitchen floor with baby blankets underneath. He still wasn't too happy, so I stood him up. Just after I stood him up he farted (takes after his Aunt, man he can clear a room). He was quite content to just stand and talk to Riley. While I waiting for a stream to appear, he farted again. Just as I was about to comment to Glenn about maybe putting a diaper back on...it happened.
He pooped!!!! I guess solid food is a good thing as it seems to come out the same as it went in!! I couldn't help but laugh and thank god it he was feeling well, if not, the outcome would have been very different!!
That's it for me, we've got some Riley below. We have our annual BBQ on Saturday with about 30 or so people coming, so don't expect to hear from me for a few days. But hopefully I will have some good pictures!

Riley out cold a Grama D's

Sylvia and Thompson snuggling "Smiley Riley"