As we cruise through month 8 of parenthood (they are nine months in 12 days), we tend to forget certain things....
This month Gavin began rolling over more, jumping in his jolly jumper for hours (almost literally), eating baby biscuits and cheerios.
This month Riley began creeping, pulling himself up on things and eating cheerios as well.
We have had an issue with Gavin and eating pretty much since the day he was born, we try them both on the same thing, but that doesn't always work. In my wisdom I decided to move Riley up to the jarred baby food for 8 months and up (Vegetable Pork and Apple Blend). I did try to give Gavin a little, but he made faces, cried and gagged a little, so I aborted that.
Riley was a little unsure of the food at first as it actually tastes like real food (Glenn tries everything). This new food also has chunks in it. I could see Riley testing this new texture out and making a few faces.
In the middle of feeding him, Gavin was taking exception to the fact that his brother was being fed and he wasn' I asked Glenn to take over feeding Riley while I made Gavin boring chicken and mixed veggies (which ultimately he DIDN'T eat).
I was almost finished making Gavin his dinner when Glenn informed me, "Oh gross Riley just puked!!". Seems this wasn't just your regular spit up, it was projectile!!! Just before he gave his dinner back to his Dad, Glenn said he was gagging. Reminder gagging, not choking.....he was just getting ready.
Now the subtle reminder is, that although they will be nine months in 12 short days, in reality (corrected age), they will only be 7 months on Thursday. Sometimes it's hard to remember that when we see them do all these things.
Tonight I pureed the crap out of it and attempted to feed it to both of them. Gavin gave us the infamous gag reflex when given the food (with NO chunks), but he gives that reaction with anything he doesn't like. Riley made faces and pretty much refused it (which he NEVER does), I think last night came back to him.
So back to boring old 6 month food with little taste and sometimes gross smell, but hey if they eat it without a fuss and MESS, I'll take it.