I have been back at work now for two weeks. Although I only did four days a week, (I'll be back to 5 next week), it felt really good to be there.
I love my boys, but I'm finding with the commute to work I have a little more time for myself. Since I take the commuter train to and from work I have about an hour to myself both ways. It makes it alot easier to deal with the boys when I get home vs. leaving my computer and taking over from Alma.
Not to say that they don't still frustrate me sometimes, because they do, but I find I have a little more patience than I did before. Glenn may disagree on that!
This has been a month of changes and some are good and some are well not bad, but different in an unsettling kind of way.
Since Kim started her treatment at the beginning of the month and then I went back to work we don't talk everyday like we used to. This is very different for me. Part of it is that I don't want to stress her throat, the other is that since she only has a cell phone, if we talked on the phone like we used to, she would be BROKE.
I knew that once she started treatment we wouldn't be speaking as much, but it's hard. It's hard for me to write this and it may be hard for her to read this, but I feel as though I'm missing something.
It's not as though we had anything important to tell each other, it was just yakking and catching up on our day. There would be sometimes only one call a day, and others it could be five. Even though she is still close and not in some foreign land, I'm missing her.
My problem with all of this is small in comparison to what she is going through, but I'm allowed to feel sorry for myself every once in awhile.
I will see her for a short time tomorrow as she is taking first shift in watching the boys so that Glenn and I can participate in my company's golf tournament tomorrow. Glenn's Mom will finish off the day as I don't think Kim could do an 8 hour shift at this point. The boys would just wear her out and right now she needs all the strength to get through this. She has 18 treatments to go and I'm hoping it doesn't get any harder than it already is.
A child has Angella would say...Peace out!!