Gavin and Riley

We arrived on November 3, 2006 at 9:55am and 9:56am, we were 6 weeks early

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

If you are so inclined

Remember that Crazy Sexy Cancer is on tonight on TLC, 9pm in the Lower Mainland.

Kim bought the book last week and so far has enjoyed reading it. I do believe she will be passing along to our family friend who is going through her journey fighting breast cancer.

I'm starting school shortly so I will try and fit it in as well, but I'm looking forward to watching this tonight.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

My sister the mummy

My sister is getting closer to starting her the Cancer Clinic made a mask of her head and upper torso. Take a look at Kim mummified.

Also while watching TLC the other night, Glenn noticed a documentary coming on August 29th at 9pm Crazy Sexy Cancer. It follows four women (I think it's four) and how they deal with the diagnosis of cancer. They are all young like my sis.

It's early but I'm off to bed shortly as Riley's new wake up time is 5:30AM!!! I need sleep :(

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Remember me???

Life has been a little different around here lately with a little deja vu thrown in.

Riley is no longer my good sleeper and the boys have taken to waking up during the night again. Naps for Riley are MAYBE an hour with a 10 hour sleep at night, which means I am up anywhere between 5am and 6am. When he wakes up, he stands in his crib and screams. Gavin will sleep 11 hours but wakes up at least once during the night. A little deja vu back to the first 3 months when I had to function on a mere few hours sleep each day. I got to sleep in until 8:30 this morning though...thank you dear husband!

I did leave Glenn alone last weekend as my sister and I headed to Westbank to start sorting through my Grams things. We spent most of last Saturday throwing out pills, creams and personal garments that shouldn't be taken to the Sally Ann. We also packed all her clothes into bags to be given away...and basically just helped as much as we could as it's not easy to help from far away.

Riley is now a crawling machine now, while Gavin is happier just sitting playing with toys. I had Riley with me in the kitchen the other day and he found Georgie's dish. It seems he likes dog food!!! He didn't eat any, but I did have to pull a piece out of his mouth. Different challenges now.

I just downloaded all the pictures from my camera from the last MONTH. 98 pictures, which means you all haven't seen much since July 26th!!

There are quite a few, BUT good things come to those who wait....

Auntie Kim and Riley

Nans and Gavin

Self cleaning after eating plums on the deck

This is how you keep Gavin happy, just let him play in the water

This is another way to keep Gavin happy, let him help cut the lawn

The boys loved this - Alma pulled them around for quite awhile

Auntie Kim and the boys

Auntie Kim and Gavin

My sister reliving the early 90's - Scott was kind enough to let Kim ride his dirt bike. Glenn and Super Dave gave her instruction, not knowing that she knew how to ride!!

Riley enjoying his bath

Gavin who smiles AFTER I take the picture

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Bucket of tears

Today I should be working…but I can’t. What I have known for a few months now is becoming a reality.

My grams is leaving me soon….yesterday the hospital said it would be hours…but she is still here – barely. She is no longer conscious and her breathing is shallow. I wish she were here in town and I would be by her side, but she’s not. She is 3 ½ hours away and I have two babies that need me.

This is a very hard day for me and one I wish didn’t have to come, but I know that it is the circle of life and nobody lives forever.

She has seen me through so much. I wasn’t a bad teenager, but one who left home at 16 and bounced around for many years. I know that she worried about me along with my parents that I wouldn’t amount to much, but she never gave up that I would turn out ok. And I did.

My grandmother came from a hard life and I do believe she enjoyed her retirement. She volunteered everywhere, but you would never know it, she didn’t brag, it was just what she did. She was Senior of the Year back in the 1990’s, she got her own car in the parade that year. She was proud and so were we.

A lot of grandchildren I think take for granted that their grandparents are there and never really get to know them. I’m guilty of that with my Mom’s mom. I have always had a strong bond with my Dad’s mom and I don’t know why. She is a hard lady to please and doesn’t suffer fools, that’s for sure. I think in some ways I’m a lot like her and I'm proud of it.

I’m going to miss her so much….getting my butt whipped at cards, hearing about her life and just generally spending time with her. I’m glad she got to meet the boys and see me get married.


I have received the dreaded call and no coherent thoughts are being processed. I have shed my first tears, but they won’t be the last.

I love you Grams and I’m going to miss you terribly.

Thelma M Thomas - September 1, 1920 - August 2, 2007

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